A new didactical VET-training model for disadvantaged young learners
Current statistics on drop-out rates all over Europe clearly show that our education systems and, especially, our VET systems do not meet the requirements and needs of the potential learners, particularly in initial VET. It also seems that the didactical models in use are not able to motivate numerous learners, especially disadvantaged learners (e. g. learners with migration or ethnic backgrounds or facing socio-economic disadvantages).
Looking into this particular target group clearly reveals that current approaches in VET fail to motivate and involve learners on a broad level. Research has shown that existing didactical teaching models in use in initial VET (school pedagogy and adult pedagogy) are neither really able to provide convincing and satisfying solutions for a target group that is growing bigger and bigger nor do they help to reduce challenges for VET teachers, VET schools or companies with responsibilities in the VET system.
The NEW-D project searches for a new didactical solution. The main objective of the project is the development of an innovative didactical model to be used in the VET training of disadvantaged young learners. We want to prevent their drop-out, to get them back into the VET system; therefore, we need to motivate them with a model that reflects the life realities (motivating factors) of the target group.